Hey, guys! It has been a week since I have started my new semester. Thruthfully, before I came back I had a mixed feelings. I wasn't so excited about knowing I have to go through all the hardship of studying, dealing with people and whatnot but now that I'm here I just realised I can't wait to start learning again. Alhamdulillah I still got accepted to college so I don't have to go through all the trouble to find a new accomodation. Although, this accomodation is off campus. I still have to take a bus ride to class and shopping mall. Previous semesters, it was kinda a mess because well, depression. I got distracted and went off the road but luckily for me, my CGPA is maintained but I feel like this semester I should really try to keep my targets and goals and stay focus. I know it's not easy dealing depression alone but I'll try my best not to let my depression gets to me, again ( fingers crossed ). Since I wasn't that busy during the first...
Lend me your eyes to the product of me ranting