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Showing posts from September, 2017

Life Update: Back to University

Hey, guys! It has been a week since I have started my new semester. Thruthfully, before I came back I had a mixed feelings. I wasn't so excited about knowing I have to go through all the hardship of studying, dealing with people and whatnot but now that I'm here I just realised I can't wait to start learning again.  Alhamdulillah I still got accepted to college so I don't have to go through all the trouble to find a new accomodation. Although, this accomodation is off campus. I still have to take a bus ride to class and shopping mall.  Previous semesters, it was kinda a mess because well, depression. I got distracted and went off the road but luckily for me, my CGPA is maintained but I feel like this semester I should really try to keep my targets and goals and stay focus. I know it's not easy dealing depression alone but I'll try my best not to let my depression gets to me, again ( fingers crossed ).  Since I wasn't that busy during the first...

Basic Essential Programs for Student

Next week, I'll be starting my new semester. Goodbye home, goodbye long holidays! It's time to gear things up. The last week of holidays, I would usually spend on downloading animes, movies or dramas into my hard drive. I'd update my Spotify offline playlists ( yup, I'm running on premium account ) and also I would declutter my digital stuffs so basically I'm making my laptop ready for the new semester. Maybe I'll write another post on this so wait for it. I thought I'd share with you guys a few programs that I feel like it's super useful for students.  Evernote Windows Version Web Version  It's an amazing tool to organize and declutter your life. If you're a person like me who likes to jot down lists and write planners, this is something for you! What's good about it is it has those basic text formatting like bold , italic , strikethrough and attach files of different types including a voice note! So I feel like this ...